
Tell Congress: Stop Trump’s Power Grab

Donald Trump is breaking the law and overstepping his power as president, and the worst part is that he doesn’t seem to care. 

The first days of the new administration have brought to light that Trump’s Project 2025 agenda is real, and he is actively working to put it in place, which is having devastating impacts on our country and democracy.

He recently tried to make sweeping cuts to federal grants, aid, and funding for programs that millions of people across the country rely on. These are programs like lunches for kids at school, cancer research, early childhood care, clean air and water protections, and more. This is illegal. The power to fund important programs we depend on comes from Congress, not the president.

Trump knows this, but he doesn’t care. He’s pushing his power past its limits to enact an agenda that benefits millionaires and billionaires at the expense of everyday people. 

He’s firing career government employees that hold the president accountable and replacing them with loyalists. He’s declaring fake energy emergencies so oil and gas companies can ignore all environmental protections. He’s rolling back clean energy projects to pave the way for fossil fuel interests to make massive profits while we are left with water that’s unsafe to drink and air that is unbreathable. 

On the campaign trail, he said he didn’t support Project 2025, but his actions to date are right from the playbook. This dangerously broad overreach directed by Project 2025 is an extreme power grab meant to instill chaos and will cause very real harm to people in every state. 

There’s a strategy behind this flurry of extreme actions. He wants to overwhelm the American people and media while he gets to work restructuring our government to benefit the wealthy. 

We have to fight back. 

One thing you can do right now is contact your member of Congress and U.S. Senators. Our Constitution gives Congress a critical check on the President’s power. Our representatives need to hear from as many of us as possible: We won’t stand for this. Tell them to do everything in their power to oppose Trump’s dismantling of our government. 

We can’t have clean air, safe water, or a liveable future without a strong democracy and a stable government. Trump has made his agenda clear: oil and gas corporations and the billionaire class are who he wants to run this country, and they put profits over everything. 

Fill out the form below to send a message to your member of Congress right now, and share this with your friends. Our power comes with our numbers. This is our country and our democracy. It’s on us to protect it. 

Join the movement to protect the Great Lakes state

And we’ll show you two ways to help. Together, we can be a voice for change and protect Michigan’s land, air, water, public health, and democracy.