

Latest Past Events

An Evening with Barbara McQuade with John U. Bacon in Traverse City

City Opera House 106 E. Front Street, Traverse City

America is under attack and the weapon is disinformation. So says Barbara McQuade, a legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, a former U.S. District Attorney of Eastern Michigan, and a University of Michigan law professor. Barbara writes about how authoritarians throughout history have manipulated the truth to advance their agendas in her new book, Attack From Within – […]

Climate Conscious Conversations: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Linc Up, 341 Hall St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 341 Hall St Southeast, Grand Rapids

Join Michigan LCV and the West Michigan Hispanic community for a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and a night of networking! The event will include a panel discussion, tasty food, drinks, live music, networking, and more! Please RSVP below so we can get an accurate head count for food and drinks! Friday, September 15, 2023 5:00 […]

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Our work centers around people like you getting involved and taking action. Your story is important. We want to know: What brings you to this work? By sharing your story, you can inspire others to get involved as we fight for a healthier future for all Michiganders

Join the movement to protect the Great Lakes state

And we’ll show you two ways to help. Together, we can be a voice for change and protect Michigan’s land, air, water, public health, and democracy.