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Line 5: Shutting Down the Ticking Time Bomb

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The outdated, 68-year-old pipeline in the Straits of Mackinac is set to be shut down in May. Enbridge’s time has run out — but they aren’t going down without a fight. A Line 5 rupture in the Straits of Mackinac would impact 700 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, take years to clean up and devastate our Great Lakes economy. Shutting down Line 5 is crucial to protect the Great Lakes from a catastrophic oil spill.

Join Michigan LCV and Jeff Insko, Professor of English at Oakland University, Whitney Gravelle, President, Bay Mills Indian Community, Riyaz Kanjii, Tribal Litigator at Kanji & Katzen and Michigan LCV board member, for a conversation on the steps to shutting down Line 5.


May 4, 2021
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Join the movement to protect the Great Lakes state

And we’ll show you two ways to help. Together, we can be a voice for change and protect Michigan’s land, air, water, public health, and democracy.