What Would it Take to Build a Conservation Majority?
When you think politics, you likely think “political parties.” Michigan LCV is political, but in a different way: we are proud to stand with members like you as the nonpartisan political voice for protecting Michigan’s land, air and water.
We don’t work to build a Democratic majority or a Republican majority; our goal is a conservation majority. We need more people who are committed to conservation in our state government.
Right now–out of a total 110 members of the State House of Representatives–there are 39 consistently pro-conservation votes, 55 anti-conservation votes and 16 maybe votes.
So what happens when good environmental legislation comes to the House floor? At best, we can force a tie vote.
There are plenty of bad ideas being floated around Lansing these days–ideas like eliminating our renewable energy standard or drilling for oil in the Great Lakes.
Our kids and grandkids stand to lose out on experiencing the state that we know and love, unless we take action to demand change in Lansing.
By fighting for strong candidates who are ready to act for the good of our land, air, and water, you are helping to build a conservation majority. Thank you!
Michigan LCV members are laying the groundwork for a bright future for the Great Lakes State. That may seem ambitious, but all of us together can make it happen.
You can help turn our Michigan values into political priorities in Lansing.
Want to know how you can help support strong conservation candidates during this year’s election? Reach out to Bob Allison, our Deputy Director, by email at [email protected].